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Donate online to ONE-OIS

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!


Orinda Intermediate School has a history of excellence in education and your donations directly fund the 27 electives and numerous programs benefiting all OIS students. Orinda Union School District (OUSD) is one of the lowest-funded school districts in the state. 


To bridge the gap between what the state provides and what our school needs to maintain its current level of programming, we need to raise $1,022,000. This budget is created in collaboration with our OIS principal, Stacy Wayne, OIS Parents’ Club, and OIS teachers. It reflects what OIS needs to maintain core programs, including electives such as foreign languages, computer programming, art, drama, debate, woodshop, band, and chorus. Donations also support lunchtime clubs, sports, the OIS library and librarian, wellness counselors, classroom technology, and Bulldog Theater.

To reach our goal of $1,022,000 for this academic year and maintain our programming, we are asking you to make a donation of $2,000 per student this school year. Our goal is 100% participation from OIS families. Please consider leveling up your donation to the Bulldog Boost level or more. We appreciate your contribution at whatever level feels right for your family. Every donation amount helps.


Select either "Give Today" to pay the full amount at once or "Give in Installments" to make your donation in monthly or quarterly payments. Please be sure to indicate the frequency of your gift and how many payments you wish to make.* To promise your donation now and follow up with a non-electronic payment later, select "Check/DAF/Pledge" as your payment method.


*Administrators may need to edit your installment payment amount to ensure completion within the current academic year.


You may be able to Double your Donation or more with a corporate match! Check directly with your employer or click here to see if you qualify and learn how to submit. When requesting a corporate match, select Orinda Network for Education (Tax ID #94-2623617) as your designated charity, and indicate your school name as the “project" or in your donation comments. Be sure to include your name with your match, as anonymous match requests are difficult to trace back to you and your school.


Any questions about ONE-OIS fundraising, please contact Natalie Taquino or Janey McWhorter, Co-Chairs ONE-OIS Fundraising. The OIS Parents’ Club and the Orinda Network for Education (ONE) appreciate your support of OIS. Thank you!

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